St. Philip’s Society of Saint Vincent de Paul serves as the front line of St. Philip Outreach. If you're in need of financial assistance and you'd like to contact our SVdP Conference, please click here. Comprised of parishioner volunteers, our St. Vincent de Paul Conference provides emergency assistance to those who come to St. Philip’s for help. We are, first and foremost, a ministry focused on growing the holiness and faithfulness of our members. In that bright spirit of faith, our parish Conference members encounter Christ in the poor of our community, offering acts of mercy and charity.
The Society is modeled after the 17th century French priest, Saint Vincent de Paul, who dedicated his life to serving the poor and marginalized. Today, there are over 1,000 Vincentians (SVdP volunteers) in North Texas, with almost 1 million worldwide. SVdP’s focus “is on homelessness prevention – doing whatever we can to help those on the brink of losing everything by keeping them in their apartments or homes.”
Central to SVdP’s mission is the Home Visit, where Vincentians meet directly and confidentially with Neighbors (clients) in their living space, to understand their unique situation. The society is a very “hands-on” ministry. We go out in pairs, like the Apostles, to serve in hope, bring light to others, and help others know the love of Christ, that they are seen by Him.
The Saint Philip Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul invites all parishioners over the age of 18 to join our Christ-centered ministry, and act as the hands and feet of Jesus. Through prayer, service, and financial support, you can further our mission of outreach, spreading wide the love and mercy of Christ in our community.
In order to serve those in need with utmost compassion and grace, we need your prayers! Please remember the intentions of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference in your daily prayers.
"Tender God, refuge of the poor, You filled Vincent de Paul with the strength of the apostles to work for the salvation of the poor. May we follow the example of his life, driven by unceasing charity to continue the mission of Your Son in the world." +
If you're inspired to get involved and you'd like to become a Vincentian,send an email to[email protected]for more information.
Vincentians meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, from 6:30-8PM in a 2nd floor classroom in St. Joseph Hall. Safe Environment Training is required of all volunteers. Training and mentorship for becoming a Vincentian is provided.
"Charity is the cement which binds communities to God and persons to one another."-St. Vincent de Paul
The extent of our outreach efforts and support relies heavily on the generosity of others. If you'd like to aid us in assisting our Neighbors in need, please consider making a financial gift to our Conference. Your support is truly life-changing!