I want to do something, but I don't know where to start...
You have come to the right place! The Special Projects Flocknote group is your source for being notified of volunteer opportunities that are both occasional and ongoing. The opportunities range from volunteering at church events, to making monthly lunches for Our Daily Bread homeless shelter, to helping one of our partner community organizations when they are short-handed.
Emails will come out whenever opportunities are available--you choose when and if you can help! Some of the openings will be adults-only, but we often have family-friendly projects as well, like our monthly lunches. There is never a commitment to participate regularly in any of our service projects; this Flocknote group was set up to provide flexible volunteer slots.
Reminder: Completion of Safe Environment is required before participating in volunteer projects!
Scroll down to sign up for the Special Projects Flocknote Group.
To be added to the "Volunteers--Special Projects" Flocknote group:
1. Complete your Safe Environment requirements. Not familiar with this process? Please click here for more information.
2. Fill out the fields below.
Once you have completed the two steps above, you will be added to the Flocknote group and will receive emails about opportunities, along with the signups. If you have already joined this Flocknote group and are not receiving emails, please email Victoria at [email protected].