How do I make sure St. Philip’s gets my donation before 2017? Keep in mind that in order for donations to count towards your 2016 charitable contributions, they must have a 2016 date, and be received or postmarked by Saturday, December 31, 2016. Contributions received or postmarked after that date will go towards 2017 contributions.
Please note: The parish offices will be closed for business from Friday, December 23, 2016, through Monday, January 2, 2017. When bringing contributions to the parish at times when we are closed/no Mass, please put your contributions in an envelope addressed to Saint Philip, and place it in the key drop outside the front doors of the parish office. That box will be emptied daily while we are closed for the Christmas holidays. You may also give online through our secure giving site (click here).
As always, we thank you for your generosity during this season of giving and throughout the year.
What about donations to the Diocese of Fort Worth? The Catholic Center (Diocesan Pastoral and Administrative Offices) will be closed for business from Friday, December 23, 2016 through Monday, January 2, 2017. Contact regarding year-end giving by email and telephone is available at [email protected] and 817-945-9440. There is also a mail slot accessible at the front entrance to the Catholic Center for hand-delivered gifts. Donations will be recorded as follows: · Checks dated and mailed with a postmark on or before Saturday, December 31, 2016, will be included in the 2016 tax year. · Credit card gifts are effective on the date the card is charged
Make your pledge to the Together in Christ Capital Campaign before 2016 ends! You can make a commitment in any of the following ways:
1. Drop your pledge card in the offertory collection or give to Weekend Receptionist
2. Mail pledge card in provided envelope
3. Donate online using the button below: