The Capital Campaign to fund our building project: TOGETHER IN CHRIST~ BUILDING ON FIRM FOUNDATIONS A Campaign of the Advancement Foundation of the Diocese of Fort Worth will begin the weekend of October 22/23. Please prayerfully prepare for this next step in our project.
Who will be asked to support the campaign? Every registered parish family will be asked to be a part of this effort. It is our hope that every parish family will make a truly sacrificial pledge to Together in Christ: Building on Firm Foundations.
What is the Advancement Foundation and why are they collecting the money? The Advancement Foundation is a separate entity established by the Diocese of Fort Worth to support the fundraising efforts of the Diocese and its parishes and schools. The Advancement Foundation will accept your gifts in a fund designated specifically for the Together in Christ Capital Campaign.
How will the campaign funds affect parish offertory? Throughout our building project, parishioners will be asked to make pledges above and beyond regular Sunday giving, so we do not expect to see any decrease in the Sunday offertory. In other parishes, similar campaigns have actually caused increases in parish offertory giving by raising the sights of parishioners and bolstering their commitment to the church.