After consultation with priests and civic authorities, Bishop Michael Olson has issued a letter (read the full text HERE) with new updates for our Diocese:
Mass will be celebrated with only the priest and essential ministers Beginning today, March 18, weekend and daily Masses will continue to be celebrated at St. Philip's, but without the congregation physically present in the church. St. Philip's is preparing to live stream some of our scheduled Masses online; watch for announcements of broadcast times as they become available.
Regarding the Sunday Obligation As Bishop Olson writes, "The circumstances current in our community are such that attendance at Mass borders on an impossibility and thus there is no obligation to attend."
Holy Communion will be distributed in the Parking Lot at scheduled times Plans are in progress to implement safe social distancing measures in our parking lot for the distribution of Communion. At this time, we have scheduled the following opportunities for Communion:
Thursday, March 19, at 12:30 PM
Friday, March 20, at 12:30 PM
Please watch for further updates regarding the availability of Holy Communion over the weekend.
Updates for other Parish events and activities:
Confessions (with appropriate social distancing and separated by a screen): Wednesdays from 5:00-6:15 pm, and Saturdays, 3:00-3:45 pm
Eucharistic Adoration will continue on Thursday, March 19, from 9:00-11:30 AM in the Church. Watch for additional dates and times.
All other events (including Stations of the Cross), meetings, groups, or activities are cancelled through March 31.