Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. For the next forty days, the Church will help us to re-focus on the primary work of our lives: the cultivation of our relationship with God for our salvation. We are to use this time to renew our souls, which are the Temples of the Holy Spirit. It is a good time for us to reassess our mission as a parish community as well, to reflect on our call to work as a community for our salvation and that of others. These two themes are contained in the special prayer introduced at our first Mass on our property on September 26 of last year. Although many of us have already been praying this prayer, we would like to use this season of Lent to consider it more deeply, and to encourage everyone to begin praying this prayer regularly. Each week of Lent, we will offer a brief reflection on a section of the Building Prayer, drawing out the theological foundations and implications of the phrases. If you have not yet received a copy of the Building Prayer, you may obtain a prayer card in the Church and the Office. The prayer will also be printed on the back of the Worship Aid used during weekend Masses. May it be a source of holiness for all of us and a means of strengthening our community through our united prayers.