The presence of the Holy Eucharist means that there are a couple of new procedures to remember when inside the main church:
When entering and leaving the church, please genuflect.
A genuflection is made by bending the right knee to the ground, signifying adoration, and is reserved for the Blessed Sacrament (Click here for a quick video on the what/why of this beautiful Catholic custom). It is done anytime you pass before the Blessed Sacrament. The usual custom is to genuflect in the aisle before entering your seat for the first time, and again when you are leaving your seat prior to exiting the church. If age or infirmity prevent you from genuflecting, a profound bow in the direction of the tabernacle is a good substitute.
Please maintain a reverent silence in the main church.
The house of God is a holy place, and reserved for prayer and worship of Him. A prayerful, reverent silence should prevail in the church outside of Mass times. This silence permits Our Lord to speak to us in the “still, small voice” that is in our hearts, and also respects others in the church who are engaged in prayer. At the same time, social interaction and conversation are important parts of the life of our community. The large Narthex and CLC are the perfect places for this, especially when we offer coffee and donuts, or the K of C Pancake Breakfast (happening this weekend).