"Our loved ones have not disappeared into dark nothingness: Hope assures us that they are in God's good and strong hands. Love is stronger than death." – Pope Francis
There are no stages to grief. We all experience loss in our own unique way. Healing is an intentional process where we gather together as a community of faith to become disciples of hope. It is through prayerful reflection, practical learning, and personal fellowship that we mourn. And in mourning we begin to build our bridge to a new and different life. Listening to others and knowing that we are not alone can be powerful tools that offer support during this difficult time.
St. Philip’s will offer “Grieving with Great Hope”, a 5-week Catholic bereavement program, beginning Tuesday, April 3, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Youth Room. This group is open to anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.
If you are interested in attending Grieving with Great Hope, you must register with Social Outreach (Mary Beth or Sandi) at 972-353-5756 or [email protected]