Effective January 1, 2019, St. Philip’s will adopt new practices regarding our Second Collections, to allow parishioners to choose their desired level of support.
Previously, scheduled Second Collections would automatically receive 10% of the Sunday offertory for that weekend. We will continue to reserve 10% of every regular Sunday offertory for Outreach activities (support for local charities, families in need, disaster relief), so our tithing program has not changed, but donations to Second Collections will be made solely at the discretion of each parishioner.
This change will also allow us to increase support of charitable needs in our own community. Our Finance Council has a newly-established Tithing Sub-Committee, which will assist in the prioritization of our parish charitable giving, and help direct our tithe funds to the most needed recipients. This Committee is also charged with assessing potential recipients according to Catholic teaching and standards of financial prudence.
Empowering parishioners to choose their level of support There are multiple National and Diocesan Second Collections scheduled throughout the year, which are advertised on parish media.
Ways to support Second Collections include:
- Offertory Envelopes - those who use envelopes already have a complete set of special envelopes for these collections.
- On the weekend a Second Collection is taken up, a basket will be available in the Narthex for check, cash, and envelope donations.
- In addition, our online giving site at WeShare offers the opportunity to contribute to each of the Second Collections, either individually or for the entire year.
Sign up for Second Collection contributions, conveniently Our online giving system, WeShare, provides an easy way to contribute to Second Collections: quickly and easily contribute to a single collection, or plan out your Second Collection donations for the whole year:
To start planning today, visit stphilipcc.weshareonline.org and click View All Second Collections. Simply choose the amount you wish to contribute to each second collection, enter a payment source, and submit. Make sure to check the “Recurs Annually” box if you wish to continue contributing year after year. If you have scheduled your contributions to Second Collections for the entire year, your donation will only be charged on the date of each collection. Until then, you may login to WeShare at any time and make adjustments as needed.
Thank you for your continued support to our parish!
Questions? Contact Mark Masty, Director of Finance and Stewardship, at [email protected] or 972-219-0683.