Scam emails and text messages pretending to come from a trusted person are, sadly, all too common these days. Our parish is not immune to these attacks - one of them occurred not long ago, when a message reportedly from "Fr. McDaniel" was received by some parishioners.
Here's an image taken from one:
The ultimate goal of the scammer was to obtain gift cards by saying that Father wanted them for a good work or special project. Needless to say, this request was completely false and did not come from Fr. McDaniel.
If you have been a victim of an email scam, please do the following: 1) Report the incident to the police 2) Contact Sarah Fritcher, Director of Communications, at [email protected]
Important information about email/text scams:
Have you shared your contact on parish media? Scammers can see any contact information posted publicly in media related to St. Philip, and use it to create a list of people who will be responsive to the Pastor. If you have shared your email or phone number as a contact for an event, a parish ministry, or as a bulletin advertiser, please be aware that you could receive scam messages in the future.
St. Philip and safe online giving procedures It is our priority to ensure that your generous response to parish needs is always safeguarded. Fr. McDaniel and parish staff do not make financial requests through unofficial channels. Parish online giving is currently managed through PushPay, and online gifts to our Forward in Faith capital campaign are managed by the Advancement Foundation of the Diocese of Fort Worth. Any changes or alterations to either of these channels will be clearly communicated through all parish media.
If you're not sure about something, call us! Scammers use urgency and misdirection to pressure people into taking action without checking first. If you’re not absolutely sure a message is from St. Philip, just call the parish office and ask us to verify it – we’re more than happy to help you stay safe. Be suspicious of any message trying to make you take immediate action, especially with money, or that discourages you from reaching out by phone or alternate communication methods.