Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am happy to announce that, beginning this weekend, we can reopen the doors of our church and welcome you for Mass and other events. This Sunday will be a day of thanksgiving for us, particularly since it is the feast day of our parish patron, St. Philip the Apostle.
As we welcome you back to our parish home, we also recognize that not everything can return to normal just yet. Following the requirements of civil and diocesan authorities, we will observe special safety precautions for Masses and events at this time. We will also continue to offer live-streaming for those who still need to stay safe at home.
I am including details of our schedule and safety precautions for this weekend below. Information about Daily Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, and future events will be coming soon.
I look forward to greeting you this weekend, either in person or online, and hope for the day when we can all be reunited.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Raymond McDaniel
Required Safety Precautions for St. Philip's:
- Wear a face mask or scarf (CLICK HERE for some easy ideas to make your own)
- Sanitize hands on entering the buildings (if possible, please bring a personal bottle)
- Observe 6 feet of distance between yourself and others (6 feet = three of the chairs in our church).
St. Philip's Schedule for Reopening Weekend
We will offer extended opportunities for Confession this weekend. Please observe the required safety precautions when you arrive and follow directions from staff and volunteers.
Friday, May 1 - Confessions will be available from 7-8 PM
Saturday, May 2 - Confessions will be available from 2-3:15 PM
At this time, we are permitted to have a congregation of 25% of the seating capacity in our buildings. Once the church has reached this capacity, other attendees will be invited to watch the Mass live-streamed in the CLC (Communion will be distributed there), or to wait in the parking lot until Holy Communion is distributed after Mass.
Saturday, May 2
9 AM (First Saturday Mass)
4 PM (Sunday Vigil Mass)
Sunday, May 3
7:30 AM | 9:30 AM | 11:30 AM | 5:30 PM
Holy Communion in the Parking Lot (weekend Masses only)
- Offered 10 minutes after the end of Sunday Masses
- Please park and wait in your car; do not gather in groups.
- Watch for clergy and staff to call you forward
Am I Obliged to Attend Mass?
The obligation to physically attend Mass is still lifted through the time of this pandemic, especially for those over the age of 60, the immuno-compromised, or caretakers of vulnerable individuals. Please join us via live-stream at our parish website or on Facebook.