The additional Eucharistic Adoration offered in Advent will be continued on a regular basis!
The new times for Eucharistic Adoration are Tuesdays 6-9 PM and Thursdays 6-9 PM
We need volunteers to keep this going: We are excited to offer more times for Eucharistic Adoration, but in order to do so on a regular basis, we will need about 30 volunteers to commit to being present so that Our Lord is never left alone.
A Eucharistic Adoration Adorer (EAA) would commit to a 1 hour time slot on a rotating basis (you would commit to fulfilling your time slot only 2 times a month).
The time slots are 6-7 pm, 7-8 pm or 8-9 pm for either Tuesday or Thursday (not both). We are asking for two (2) adorers for each hour. A husband and wife are considered as one for planning purposes.
Some volunteers will also be needed to act as substitutes for the regular volunteers. If you can volunteer for this important ministry of prayer, please contact Jim Salanky at 214-629-7214.
We all recognize the need for more priest and nuns. Those parishes that hold perpetual adorations talk of one of God's blessing is the number of young men and women discerning for priesthood and sisterhood. Why not our parish? Let's begin with Adoration three nights a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).