The Christ Child Society has partnered with PediPlace of Lewisville ( to provide snack bags for clients at risk for hunger. Each snack bag contains a source of protein and a few other snack items to take home. Christ Child volunteers will assemble 45+ snack bags each week for PediPlace.
How can you help? By donating individual bulk goods at St. Philip’s!
Snack Bag Items Needed
· cans or pouches of tuna fish or chicken
· fruit cups
· applesauce pouches
· peanut butter or cheese crackers
· juice boxes
· individual pouches of trail mix
· individual boxes of raisins
· granola bars
· protein bars
Drop Off Times
You can either bring items to the parking lot during our “drive thru drop off” hours every Wednesday (beginning June 3) from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., or you can leave items anytime in the bins in front of the church doors. Our drop-off location has changed: please come around to the south parking lot facing Main Street in front of the entrance to Little Apostles/Nursery.
Questions? Please contact the Christ Child Society via email at [email protected] or the St. Philip Outreach Office at 972-353- 5756. The Christ Child Society thanks you for your continued support of our community!