St. Philip's myParish app has been retired from use. The features of the app, such as communciation, parish information, daily readings, prayers, and online giving, were all being addressed by other platforms, making the app unnecessary to our media plan.
If you were a user of myParish, here are some suggestions for resources:
Parish Communications Our parish continues to communicate primarily through email and text. If you are not currently receiving parish emails, please reach out to us at [email protected] for assistance.
Daily Readings/Prayers These apps are available in multiple languages Free apps: Laudate for Apple*, Laudate for Android*, iBreviary *Laudate app also includes a Confession Guide Paid: Magnificat You can also receive the Daily Readings via email from the USCCB
Mass/Confession/Adoration Times Up to date information regarding Mass, Confession, and Adoration are available here on our website at
Examination of Conscience/Confession Guide Laudate for Apple*, Laudate for Android*, available in multiple languages. An Examination of Conscience is also available on the Adult Formation page of our website.
Online Giving Online giving through WeShare may be accessed through our website home page by clicking "Tithe Online" or by going directly to
Homilies Homilies at St. Philip's are now available as part of the recordings of our live-streamed Masses. Watch live or previous broadcasts at
Catholic Audio and Video Content Access FREE audio programs, video presentations, books, and even movies on, accessible on mobile devices, computers, Roku, Apple TV, and more! To use our parish subscription, choose "Sign up as a parishioner" and then search "st philip lewisville" to find our parish.