On the weekend of July 21st and 22nd, Haitian Pilgrims will sponsor the annual Christmas in July fundraising event at St. Philip's, benefiting the people of Boileau (our sister parish!) and Canon, Haiti.
The Story of Haitian Pilgrims Haitian Pilgrims is a group of St. Philip parishioners who heard God’s call to help the poorest of the poor in Haiti. In 1999, we chose the village of Boileau and began working to help them become financially self-sufficient. We have provided access to clean water, built a clinic to provide medical care to pregnant women and young children, and built a school that serves 450 children annually. Through our college scholarship program, three students have earned teacher certifications, and twelve students are currently in college earning degrees in agriculture, nursing, finance, and IT.
What’s next for our work in Haiti The people of Boileau have achieved a degree of economic self-sufficiency, enabling Haitian Pilgrims to branch out to another village, Canon. In Canon, we have begun funding teacher salaries in the elementary school and, starting in September, we will fund a lunch program for the 300 children in St. Francis Xavier elementary school.
How you can help As you leave Mass on July 21/22, please stop and
Take a gift tag from the Giving Garland This helps us provide immediate support for the villagers.
Take a coin box (or two) home By dropping your spare change in the box each day through October, you will contribute to changing the lives of the poor.
Haitian Pilgrims’ motto is “Live More Simply, So Others Can Simply Live.” We are inspired by Matthew 25:35-40. Learn more about us and our mission at haitianpilgrims.org