The Annual Diocesan Appeal will begin this month, with a goal of $3,300,000. Just as we are one in the Body of Christ, we must remember that we are one with other parishes in our Diocese. Once a year, our Bishop asks us to respond by“Contributing for the Common Good,” to support the work of our diocesan programs and ministries that provide services that no one parish could provide on its own, Through the Appeal we all work together to care for the Church by sharing the gifts God has granted us. Please continue God’s work of faith, hope and charity. Visit for information.
How Your Gift Is Used Through the power of Christ’s love we are called to respond to the needs of others. As Catholics, we embrace the gifts we have and joys of life we experience through the eyes of faith. In gratitude, we generously share these gifts. Your gift to the 2018 Annual Diocesan Appeal provides funds to ministries and programs in these four categories:
Gratitude and Support for the Clergy To support the healthy and holy formation and education of men for the priesthood and permanent diaconate: Seminarians Permanent Diaconate
Hope and Healing for the Poor To aid the disadvantaged, the disabled and those who are most in need of God’s healing grace: Catholic Charities Prison Ministry Outreach to Rural and Needy Parishes and Schools
Love and Strengthening for Families To bind us closer to Christ through our love and respect for one another in families committed to proclaiming the Gospel: Marriage and Family Life Marriage Tribunal
Faith and Formation for Future Generations To empower our children to grow in their Catholic faith in preparation for a life of Christian leadership and service: Catholic Schools Campus Ministry